Friday, 23 December 2022

December 2022 Meeting Summary


December 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a short recap. Members are welcome to request the full minutes by e-mail.
  • Opening Remarks
    • Next meeting (January) will be virtual only on ZOOM. No in-person option.
    • Visit our fellow guild, the Ottawa Modern Quilt Guild for info on a virtual bomber jacket making workshop they have set for January!
  • Upcoming sew-ins
    • Sign-up will be out soon for virtual sew-ins to restart in January.
  • Our own Stephanie showed us how to take your own measurements!
  • Sewing SOS
    • Drag lines at front armpit on a knit turtle neck - Likely needs an FBA, material is trying to make more space by creating a diagonal line.
  • Sew and Tell!! and Pattern of the Month (#oggpom)
    • Thank you all for sharing Blazers and other makes.
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show off
You can find December's slides (and all of our past meetingshere!

Pattern of the Month for December:

December's OGGPOM is DOPAMINE DRESSING! Making and wearing clothes you love to boost your mood!
This is an opportunity at the end of the year to sew something that you love! in special fabric your favourite pattern or in favourite colour 

Remember it doesn't have to be something you sewed this month, you are welcome to share any past makes!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Friday, 18 November 2022

November 2022 Meeting Summary


November 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a short recap. Members are welcome to request the full minutes by e-mail.
  • Opening Remarks
    • You can now subscribe to the OGG google calendar to get meeting reminders!
    • Please follow on all our social media for announcements as well.
  • Blazer/Jacket Sewing Support Group!
    • Tuesdays from October 25th to November 22 (members check your e-mails!)
    • Join us for the December meeting to see the final projects.
  • Upcoming sew-ins
    • Resumed in October, Check your e-mail!
  • Fabrications Shopping Event November 28.
    • Details will be sent by e-mail to members.
  • Jessika Harkonnen spoke to us all about cosplay sewing!
    • most people start with cosplay then learn to sew.
    • Is a master cosplayer with lots of competitions won!
    • Talked about a number of costumes she's made and the materials and process.
    • Most are impractical, but they aren't meant for long term wear!
    • Not cheap! tips to be cost effective: Avoid satin, capes and trains are actually low effort to sew, buy a corset and embellish.
  • Sewing SOS
    • How to iron a velvet garment?  Don't! finger press, use steam, no crushing.
    • Tips on sewing vinyl. Use flock-back vinyl or upholstery vinyl.
  • Sew and Tell!! and Pattern of the Month (#oggpom)
    • Thank you all for sharing your makes sewn with unconventional materials!
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show off
You can find November's slides (and all of our past meetingshere!

Pattern of the Month for November:

October's OGGPOM is to show us your Blazers! made during the sew-along (or of course before!!  Feel free to bring it at any stage, or use the opportunity to get fitting advice!

Remember it doesn't have to be something you sewed this month, you are welcome to share any past makes!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Saturday, 5 November 2022

October 2022 Meeting Summary


October 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a short recap. Members are welcome to request the full minutes by e-mail.
  • Opening Remarks
  • Reminder to share any updates or additions to the websites local resources page
  • Blazer/Jacket Sewing Support Group!
    • Tuesdays from October 25th to November 22 (members check your e-mails!)
    • Join us for the December meeting to see the final projects
  • Upcoming sew-ins
    • Resumed in October
    • Check your e-mail!
    • IN person sew in planned for November, details to come by e-mail
  • Stephanie Hylarides from While Babies Sleep spoke to us all about sewing the quilts
    • Tips on how to sew with them and how to pick the best kind of quilt for the garment you want to sew, like just using quilt tops for dresses, but whole quilts can be used for outerwear.
    • Why she chose to recycle quilts and bring them new life instead of letting them fill a landfill or sit hidden away.
  • Sewing SOS

    • Tips on where to shop in NYC and looking for help to take over a sewing student.
  • Sew and Tell! and Pattern of the Month (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing your "Sew your birth decade" makes!
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show off!
You can find October's slides (and all of our past meetingshere!

Pattern of the Month for October:

October's OGGPOM is to sew with unconventional materials Sew up something from a material you wouldn't normally make garments from like a quilt, bedsheet or tablecloth!

Remember it doesn't have to be something you sewed this month, you are welcome to share any past makes!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Monday, 26 September 2022

September 2022 Meeting Summary

September 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a short recap. Members are welcome to request the full minutes by e-mail.
  • Welcome back in person and meet our new executive!
  • Plans for the 2022-23 Season
    • Meetings will be either in person/hybrid but could return to virtual only if needed.
    • Please be patient while we adjust to hybrid meetings.
    • Thank you to all members in person for wearing masks and your patience.
  • Blazer/Jacket Sewing Support Group!
    • More details to follow, will be in Oct/Nov.
  • Upcoming sew-ins
    • Members look at your e-mails for the sign up link!
    • Will start up again October 2.
  • Karrie & Shu-Tai from Skipped Stiches spoke to us all about vintage sewing machines!
    • Not a commercial repair shop. Focus is on maintenance circles and fixing up machines for donation. 
    • The slides are available here.
  • Sewing SOS

    • Question about using picot elastic for shirring and about adjusting a pattern when the shoulders are not sitting right.
  • Sew and Tell! and Pattern of the Month (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing your Most Worn Summer Makes! !
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show off!
You can find September's slides (and all of our past meetingshere!

Pattern of the Month for September:

Summer's OGGPOM is to Sew Your Birth Decade! Sew up something from a fabric or fabric from your decade or use a pattern with vintage roots that reflects what was popular in your birth decade! Don't worry, we won't check if it's the right decade ;).

Remember it doesn't have to be something you sewed this month, you are welcome to share any past makes!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Sunday, 24 July 2022

June 2022 AGM Meeting Summary


June AGM Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a short recap. Members are welcome to request the full minutes by e-mail.
  • Updates

    • Thank you to everyone for making this season a success
      • All time high of membership - 94!
      • Frocktails returned!
      • 11 out of town speakers since we went virtual in April 2020.
    • Congrats to our new executive committee members!
      • Stephanie Houle as Social Media Manager
      • Renee Michienzi for Special Events Coordinator and events co-ordinators
      • Thank you and goodbye to Leah! we hope to still see you online!
    • Sew-ins have been scheduled July and August, check your e-mail for details! 
    • A workshop and possible event are planned for August.
    • Plans for next season:  
      • We have secured St. Mark's Church for next season, but decisions about in person or remote will be made closer to September.
      • Virtual option will be available for in-person meetings, but their format is still a work in progress.
  • Financial Update: Guild in good standing, members can request details.
  • Constitution Changes.
  • Speaker - Our own Laura-Lee talked to us about the Worth of our Sewing
    • Don’t worry about what you make is worth to anyone else.  What is it worth to you.
  • Sewing SOS:
    • Where to find 1 inch swim elastic: Blackbird, Club Tissu, Etsy, Edgewater, C&M Textiles. ¾” elastic from Emerald Erin works for the Cottesloe bottoms.
    • How to make sure collars lie flat:
      • Make sure the facing is a teeny bit smaller than the outer collar, so it holds its shape
      • If it's a stand-up collar, I find hand-stitching the base before topstitching helps keep it flat.
  • Pattern Sew and Tell! (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing your
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show! You can also share pictures in the Facebook group to be included at the end of the meetings.
You can find June's slides (and all of our past meetingshere!

Pattern of the Month for June/Summer:

Summer's OGGPOM is to show off your Most Worn Makes for Summer! Share your Swimsuits/rash tops/vests, Maxi dresses, Jumpsuits, shorts! Think about what your cost of wear might have been and why it is your most work make.

Remember it doesn't have to be something you sewed this month, you are welcome to share any past makes!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Thursday, 2 June 2022

May 2022 Meeting Summary


May 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a short recap. Members are welcome to request the full minutes by e-mail.
  • Updates
    • Meet the candidates!
      • Stephanie Houle as Social Media Manager
      • Renee Michienzi for Special Events Coordinator
        and events co-ordinators
      • E-mail with details on how to vote sent out May 19.
    • Sew-ins have been scheduled for May and June, check your e-mail for details! 
  • Speaker - Jonathan Wolford - Curatorial Director of the Fashion History Museum (
    • He spoke to us all about the museum, what he has collected and exhibited over the years.
  • Sewing SOS:
    • Questions about where to get pinking sheers sharpened and how to finish and how to end off a seam.
  • Pattern Sew and Tell! (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing your Frocktails makes!
    • Congrats to our #OGGVirtualFrocktails2022 as well!
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show! You can also share pictures in the Facebook group to be included at the end of the meetings.
You can find May's slides (and all of our past meetingshere!

Pattern of the Month for May:

May's OGGPOM is to Bring Back That Past Trend! Make and share those flared pants, fanny pack, or woven hoodie!  Remember it doesn't have to be something you sewed this month, you are welcome to share any past makes!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Thursday, 19 May 2022

2022-23 Elections - Meet your Candidates!

Elections are coming up soon! Watch your email for a survey link. Voting will be open from Thursday, May 19, 2022, to Thursday, June 3, 2022. Meet the candidates for Social Media Manager and Special Events Coordinator below!

Candidate for Social Media Manager: Stéphanie Houle

My name is Stéphanie (@ecorcesdentelles), I'm bilingual, energetic, and creative. I love sewing, photography, writing, baking and knitting
My background is in portrait photography and journalism. I have spent my entire adulthood in Ottawa and I am so happy to be part of a group like the Ottawa Garment Guild.
It would be an absolute honour to be the Social Media Manager for OGG and to contribute to this wonderful community. I want to make your work shine and be a leader in both external and internal communications.

Candidate for Events Coordinator: Renee Michienzi

Hello Ottawa sewists, Renee here!(@ Most of you will know me as the social media coordinator and I'm happy to step down and welcome a new member to the board in that role. After two years behind the screen I'm feeling up to the challenge of being the special events coordinator. I love the planning process and engaging the members in fun and exciting new events. In planning special events I plan to collaborate with the Board to bring fun & fashionable opportunities (hopefully in person!) in the upcoming year. It's been an absolute pleasure connecting with you all over social media, and I'm look forward to the new task.

Friday, 6 May 2022

April 2022 Meeting Summary


April 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a recap:
  • Updates
    • Exec committee - need new social media and events co-ordinators
      • Descriptions for the positions can be found on the website
    • Sew-ins have been scheduled for May and June, check your e-mail for details! 
      • Remember to check you junk mail for the links once you've signed up.
  • Speakers - Gillian (@craftingarainbow) and our own Renee ( spoke to us about Camera Confidence!
    • Everyone deserves to look and feel great
    • Have several go to poses, Have tried and true locations
    • Experiment! Use a try tripod
    • Look for light and think about the intention of your photo (focus on the fabric, overall outfit, etc) 
  • Sewing SOS:
    • How to reinforce seam in pants to avoid them coming apart inn brocade
      • Suggestion to use some thin stay tape or selvedge on either side of the seam
  • Pattern Sew and Tell! (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing your previous makes!
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show! You can also share pictures in the Facebook group to be included at the end of the meetings.
You can find April's slides (and all of our past meetingshere!

Pattern of the Month for April:

April's OGGPOM is to share your Frocktails inspired outfit!! Share what you wore to the event, or what you would have worn! Doesn't need to be something new!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Thursday, 24 March 2022

March 2022 Meeting Summary


March 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a recap:
  • Updates
    • Frocktails!
      • Umbrella Bar - 28th April - 7pm
      • Have already sold ½ of the tickets available 
      • There will be plenty of door prizes
      • Safety first mentality - we want all members to feel safe attending. 
      • More information and details can be found at:
    • Chatelaine magazine
      • Looking to interview people who started or came back to sewing during the pandemic
      • Contact the OOG mailbox for the contact info. 
    • Sew-ins have been scheduled again for April, May and June, check your e-mail for details! 
      • Remember to check you junk mail for the links once you've signed up.
  • Barbara Emodi ( and spoke to us all about stress free sewing!
    • She written 2 sewing books
      • Wanted to show how to fix common errors/bad instructions
      • Quick Tips:
        • Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good
        • Break big steps into smaller ones. Every fractured step gives you time to correct steps
  • Sewing SOS:
    • Best way to widen arms - Add a gusset
    • Replace a collar and placket - Add a bib front?
  • Pattern Sew and Tell! (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing RTW inspired looks!
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show! You can also share pictures in the Facebook group to be included at the end of the meetings.
You can find March's slides (and all of our past meetings) here!

Pattern of the Month for March:

March's OGGPOM is sharing something you've made before and haven't shared yet! Dig out that project you made pre-insta and that you still love!. We want to rest and save your time to make your Frocktails outfit!

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Sunday, 20 February 2022

February 2022 Meeting Summary


February 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a recap:
  • Updates
    • Meetings will remain virtual for the rest of the Season.
      • Membership rates are now reduced for the rest of the season. Tell your friends!
    • AGM - if you want to be part of the constitution review, join now!
    • General chat:
      • Amy B’s surprisingly good mug cake recipe:
    • Frocktails: Definition - a chance to sew and tell in person and a chance to make something fancy
      • Tickets will go on sale before the next meeting
    • Sew-ins have been scheduled again for February and March, check your e-mail for details! 
  • Nichole Couch spoke to us all about using a projector for sewing!
    • General Concept
      • Projecting the lines of the pattern onto the fabric so you can cut directly
      • Requirements: projector/(computer or mobile phone)/PDF viewer
    • Benefits
      • One time cost for projector vs printer+ink+paper+mistakes
      • Huge time saver
      • No need to store paper patterns
      • Easier to line up grainline, pattern matching, marking notches and darts, etc
      • Great for pattern testing or multiples sizes
    • Join the Facebook group for more info and assistance
  • Sewing SOS:
    • Best way to sew both ends of elastic together
      • try bigger needle, triple zig zag, slower stitch
    • Suggestions for a small bust and broad back adjustment
      • Palmer Pletsch book
      • Hollow chest issue maybe? Start fitting from the back first.
  • Pattern Sew and Tell! (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing your makes that you love!
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show! You can also share pictures in the Facebook group to be included at the end of the meetings.
You can find February's slides (and all of our past meetings) here!

Pattern of the Month for February:

February's OGGPOM is all about Ready to Wear inspired!!  Make something based on a ready to wear garment, combine patterns, hack a pattern, draft one from an existing piece of clothing!! Don't forget you can post about things you've already made to share too! No need to make new when sharing OGGPOMs.

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!

Wednesday, 26 January 2022

January 2022 Meeting Summary


January 2022 Meeting Summary

If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a recap:
  • Updates
    • Meetings will remain virtual for the rest of the Season.
      • Hoping to have some in-person events.
      • Looking to find a new venue that would allow for a better AV setup for online/in person synchronous events. Email us ( is you have any recommendations.
      • Membership rates are now reduced for the rest of the season. Tell your friends!
    • Sew-ins have been scheduled again for January to March, check your e-mail for details! 
    • Planning has started for Frocktails! Let us know if you have any ideas for outdoor venues.
  • Malvary Cole of the Lace Maker's Guild ( to us about all the different types of lace and lacemaking!
    • Lace types: tatting, crochet, knitting, battenburg and more!
    • It has many uses! Insert it into other material, removable collars, jewelry.
    • She gave us a demonstration of bobbin lacemaking and the tools she uses.
  • Sewing SOS:
    • A member is looking for information on the Cheyenne Tunic (Hey June) button down view.  Wondering if it is much different from the Archer (Grainline Studio) and if anyone has a preference?
  • Pattern Sew and Tell! (#oggpom): 
    • Thank you all for sharing how you are planning for 2022!
    • Don't forget to use #oggpom for your OGGPOMs and #oggsewandtell on Instagram for other projects you would like to show! You can also share pictures in the Facebook group to be included at the end of the meetings.
You can find January's slides (and all of our past meetings) here!

Pattern of the Month for January:

January's OGGPOM is all about Sewing what you love!!  Make something in a fabric you love, with a pattern you love, for someone you love, whatever! Don't forget you can post about things you've already made to share too! No need to make new when sharing OGGPOMs.

You are welcome to sew for yourself, a family member, a friend, or whoever you would like!  Remember to post your makes in our Facebook group, or on Instagram using #OGGPOM so we can see what you're up to!