Monday, 13 January 2025

January Meeting Summary

 If you weren't able to join us, please read on for a short recap. Members are welcome to request the full minutes by e-mail.


Sew-Ins & Events

Community Events

Meeting - Sewing Space Tours

  • This month we were invited into the homes of three members who gave us tours of the spaces they sew in. We learned about how they organize their supplies and work spaces, the challenges they face in their space and the creative solutions they’ve come up with to get the most out of the space they have. It was lovely to see the special moments like thoughtful gifts from family, a custom desk made by a father and artwork by beloved family members that make the spaces more than just functional.

Sewing SOS

  • A member was looking for suggestions about how to get started on a new serger. The overwhelming suggestion was to take a class either by the retailer because some offer classes for free when you purchase a machine, or at one of our local fabric stores. 

OGGPOM - Hey, Look What I Found! 

  • Take some time to tidy, re-assess, re-organize, or just admire your sewing space and see if you have any treasures waiting to be used in a project this month. Maybe you have a special set of buttons, a perfect lining fabric, a witty or heartwarming tag, a pattern you forgot you had, or fabric you really want to sew up!

Next meeting - online only February 13, 2025